Friday, January 9, 2015


First hunt of the break. (Image information: Personal photo)

Well hello all, my name is Shane Holloway, and I am a junior at OU. I am majoring in chemical engineering with minors in Spanish and chemistry. I am from a small town in the Northeast corner of Oklahoma called Pryor. I have been told I have a country accent. When I graduate I would love to get a job working for pharmaceutical company helping develop cures for many diseases. I am a manager for the OU baseball team. I have done that since I was a freshmen at OU. I hope to one day travel to every Spanish speaking country! I just love the thought of seeing everything that is in the world! I am a huge nerd! I love to read, play video games. I own a Kindle Fire so if I am not studying or working you can bet I am reading on there. I am a huge fan of Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Castle. I also love sports. I played baseball all through high school. I am a big New York Yankees fan. I actually grew up next door to a former baseball player. He and his wife would watch me for my parent when I was little. My parents say they would come pick me up and I would be in all of his old Yankees gear and he would let me wear his World Series rings. One of my favorite series is the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. Also I am a avid hunter and fisherman. It is one of my favorite things to do. During winter break I go duck hunting with all of my best friends. Since we all go to different schools this is a special time for us. This is one of my favorite things about coming home for winter break is getting to see those guys and my family.


  1. I should have guessed you were a Doctor Who fan, Shane! I have a new Doctor Who Quotes project this semester (you'll see it in the Tech Tips list)... too much fun! You'll need to cycle back around to this post and add some more to it before you do the Introduction Declaration, because you need an image, you need to use Introduction label, etc. Anyway, you'll see the details in the assignment, and if you have any questions, let me know. Blogger is different from the Ning, but the goal is the same, sharing stuff online with other people in the class! All the info about links, images, etc. is here: Creating a Blogger post.

  2. Hi Shane! I am also told that I have a country accent! I am from Texas, so people always comment on my accent here! I think it is so interesting that you want to work for a pharmaceutical company to make cures for diseases! That is so great! One of my roommates is an athletic trainer for the baseball team so I'm sure you know her! I figured you really loved baseball when I read your story that you wrote! I hope that you have a great semester!

  3. Hi Shane, I’m also from a small town in Oklahoma and I am often accused of having an accent even though I try to hide it, but words like “ranch” always get me. Like you, I am also a nerd. I love to play video games, but a busy schedule during the school year always limits my play time. I've never really been a sports fan, but your dedication to the OU baseball team and that story about your neighbor is really awesome.

  4. Shane! I am so glad to finally find someone in Oklahoma who has a love for the Yankees like I do! They are the best, after all. I am also a Spanish minor, and have been to Spain. It's a beautiful place, and you should definitely check it out sometime! Duck hunting is also something that I am interested in, and have been a few times. But you seem to be a seasoned pro! I hope that you enjoy your semester!

  5. Shane,

    I am a huge baseball fan as well. I attend as many OU games in the spring as possible and sit in the stands or on the hill in right field if it is a great day. Being a manager for the team sounds like a pretty good 4 years. However, the only thing I hate about baseball is... the Yankees. My best friends growing up were both Yankees fans so I have grown to hate them. I am a big Cubs fan and go to Wrigley almost every summer. Also, have lived in OK my whole life and still never been duck hunting. I am planning on going next year sometime hopefully.

  6. Hello Shane!! I also have a huge passion for the Spanish language. Have you traveled to any spanish speaking countries? I’ve been to Mexico and Honduras which is where I’ve learned most of my spanish. I am also going to South America this summer! That’s pretty rare to find a Yankees fan in this part of the country. Ironically, my grandpa played for them back in the day with Mickey Mantle. His name was Tom Tresh and he was #15 and won Rookie of the Year in ’62 I believe!! The picture of you with the ducks are awesome!!

  7. Hi Shane! I am a huge Doctor Who fan too! Absolutely love that show! That's pretty interesting that you want to work for a pharmaceutical company and help develop cure for diseases, we need more people like you around! I see that you're a huge Yankees fan, I actually don't really want baseball that much, but my family is from Boston and they are a huge Red Sox fan... lol. I've been to one of the games before against Yankees and Red Sox and it's pretty crazy, people there are way more violent than people here. Spanish is an interesting language, you should definitely think about traveling to Spain. I have a friend who was a minor in Spanish and she went there for a year and is so fluent in Spanish.

  8. Hey Shane!

    It’s so nice to finally meet you 4 weeks into this class. I also love the New York Yankees; they are my favorite professional sports team by far! Good choice! The Percy Jackson series is also one of my favorites! I love how Rick writes; it is fun and easy to read! I have never been duck hunting, but I know a lot of people like it. It’s nice that you have those friends to catch up with and go hunting with! I hope you get to travel to all the Spanish speaking countries! Have a great semester!

  9. Hi Shane! I love hearing that other people know exactly what they want to do after they graduate! Sounds like you have found something that you enjoy and can make a career out of! Castle is one of my favorite shows so I can relate, and I need to get back to reading the rest of the Percy Jackson series!! I am also a Yankees fan, although I don’t watch religiously. That is so cool that you go to wear a World Series ring, I bet you have some great memories of hanging out with your neighbor!

  10. Yeah, go Cardinals! :) I am a sports fanatic too! Except I am really obsessed with football and golf. I played golf in high school for Broken Arrow. I have played the Pryor golf course several times. It's a great course! Even though I like the Cardinals, that is still so cool that you were able to know a professional athlete! I would have probably liked the Yankees too if that happened to me. I am a big fan of all OU athletes so it is awesome that you have the opportunity to be the baseball manager. Cherish those moments!

  11. Hey Shane, nice to meet you! How’s chemical engineering going? One of my roommates is a chemical engineering major and he says it’s pretty tough! I think it’s cool how you want to work for a pharmaceutical company and help develop cures for diseases. Imagine finding a cure for cancer or something like that! I am pre-med so stuff like that really interests me a lot.

  12. Shane,
    I think that would be pretty neat to travel to different Spanish speaking countries. I am really into The Walking Dead, How to Get Away With Murder, and Stalker. I am really into the mysterious shows you could say! I have heard that Castle is really good I may need to check it out! My Papaw used to go Duck Hunting and I used to always see him with all of his duck in the picture like you have above. Good luck with everything this semester!

  13. Hi Shane! I didn’t know we had a class together! I love your picture – you caught A LOT of ducks! That is pretty impressive that you are a chemical engineer major with a minor in Spanish AND chemistry! That must keep you super busy! And yes, you do have a country accent. When Tyler met you he said he was surprised by how much of an accent you had because you didn’t look like you had an accent from pictures! Also, super cool that you are a baseball manager!

  14. Nice to meet you Shane. Whoa! That is a lot of ducks you got there. Did you catch those all by yourself, or was that from your whole group of friends. I have never been hunting before, but I heard that it takes a lot of patience and time (not a Destiny reference lol). One of my friends told me that he sat next to a tree for over six hours waiting.

  15. Hey Shane! Really cool picture that you included! I've never been hunting myself, but my best friend goes as often as he can, so I get to hear all the stories and see the pictures. Supernatural is also one of my favorite shows! I love watching old episodes of it on Netflix since I already finished the series. I hope your goal to travel to every Spanish-speaking country becomes a reality! That would be so cool!

  16. Shane,

    I like your introduction! I don’t really think you have too strong of a country accent! Maybe a little one. I completely forgot that you managed for the baseball team! I bet you are super busy this semester since you are in season and of course with all of our wonderful ChemE classes.

    You definitely need to go to Spain if you haven’t already. IT IS SO COOL! I want to go back (I went in middle school so it was quite some time ago).

    P.S. Go Red Soxs =P

  17. Hi, I also own a kindle fire and read as often as I can and more often than I should. I'm a senior here though and have a major that's so much simpler than yours: psychology. I thought about minoring in Spanish but decided it would be too hard. I'm also a HUGE fan of Doctor Who and have seen all of the new seasons and can't wait for more!

  18. Hey Shane! Chemical Engineering is a great major! I'm electrical engineering myself. Spanish is a really awesome minor as well, I wish I spoke Spanish better! I was in Mexico over spring break and I sure wished I could have communicated better. Your love for baseball is so cool as well. The story about your childhood is so awesome! I would certainly love baseball if I had grown up with neighbors that awesome. Good luck with the rest of this semester!

  19. Hello Shane! I've been to Pryor many times. My brother used to work in Pryor and we would go to Salina lake to watch fireworks and for the fair. Chemical Engineering sounds very difficult but it will be so worth the hard-work once you start working and minor in Spanish will be very useful! I'm going to Honduras in the summer and I wish I knew spanish well enough to be able to communicate. Good luck with everything!

  20. Hello Shane,

    Well it literally is the end of the semester and I am just now visiting your blog. That is so cool that you want to work in pharmaceuticals! I do too! There is an awesome company I would love to work for called Alcon. Well, Novartis recently bought them, but Alcon still an awesome company. You should look into it! Good luck with finishing college and all of your post-graduation goals!

  21. Shane,
    It's awesome that you want to devote your life to finding cures for diseases! That is amazing, and if I had a brain for science I absolutely think I would do the same thing! I'm from Oklahoma as well, but I have never been hunting. I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I do have a New York Yankees baseball cap! So that's something I guess? Good luck with everything!
